Mad as trousers? I hope so.

I was fortunate to read on a friend's blog that our current Prince in Waiting had given a speech.
A particularly amazing speech, where as my friend said, he goes from speaking reasonably to being 'away with the fairies' and then back to reason again.
My friend, perfectly reasonably is concerned about this Prince becoming the monarch at some time and the prospect of having a king who is as 'mad as trousers'.
Personally, I love the idea.
Oh how our lives could be enriched if we had a king who was downright potty.
It has happened before..........I hope it happens again.
Oh the fun, the press, the antics.
Oh our current monarch is lovely but dull............don't you think it would be fun to have one who was totally off his trolley?
The speech is here.
I am anticipating a lot of fun .....but then I am just Thickie Sue, Thickie Banks, Thickie.
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