It has been very hot all week.
I went to the mall on Thursday.
The walk to the bus stop was volcanic. So, very, very hot. What was I wearing? Jeans and a t.shirt.
Jeans. JEANS !!!!
As I stood melting at the bus stop I perused the passers by. I say passers by but what I really mean is 'the getters out of a car'.
I think I am the only 'passer by' as I am the only one in Milwaukee who ever walks anywhere.
Everyone was wearing shorts and flip flops.
Why am I never comfortable with myself wearing shorts? This is Wisconsin. The average person is built like the Queen Mary.
From the back their shorts look like puppies fighting in a sack.
I am 5ft 1in (I know but that 1in is very important to me)......I weigh around 8stone 10 lbs.
Hmmmmmmmmm......I wonder why Americans don't have 'stones'. It makes more sense to me.
If someone is said to weigh 20 stone, then I can get a good idea of the size of them.
Over here, if they say someone weighs 280 doesn't mean a thing. I can't get a visual image.
So, anyway, I weigh about 122 lbs......and while I am at it......why LBS ? How can that be short for pounds?
Ooops.....I veer from the point yet again.
As I said, why do I not feel comfortable wearing shorts? It must be poor body image.
Back to the bus stop.
Having waited longer than I would have liked for the aforementioned bus and wilting by the minute, I was not looking forward to the return journey by which time the temperature would have risen further.
I decided my only course of action was to do a trawl of the mall....oooh I like that ....trawl the search of a pair of reasonable (cheap) shorts.
Which is exactly what I did.
It occurred to me whilst I hunted through the racks that the size I take varies from a 4 to a 6.
Bearing in mind my friend, who is not really above average for a Wisconsinite, takes between a size 22 and a size 24................what the %$#@ am I worrying about?
I bought my shorts. Not terribly short ones, I will admit.
They are rather modest shorts, but shorts none the less.
I spent ages checking myself in the mirror........does my bum look big in these?
Anyway, I nipped into the Ladies before making my way to the bus stop, and changed into my new sexy ( ish......oh alright, bit frumpy ) shorts.
I got on the bus in them.
I then walked home from the bus stop in them.
Aren't I the trolloppe.
Wouldn't Pillip be cooler without the kitten blanket???
Personally I hate, loathe and detest jeans. I won't wear them. Not only are they utterly impractical (too hot on summer, utterly non-waterproof when it rains, and utterly useless pockets), they are a hip-young-teenager thing (!)
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