Rattle. rattle

I was not looking forward to it.
Toof still hurt.
Well, he didn't seem concerned, but then the tooth wasn't hurting him.
He spent a long time twiddling away in the roots with pins. I half expected him to triumphantly produce a winkle at some point.
He was most interested in our recent citizenship test. His assistant, Diane, was more interested in the recent Royal Wedding and the state of the hats.
She was intrigued by the princesses wearing the teletubby headgear.
She said she was very impressed by the organisation of the day and the good feeling amongst the crowd.
The march down the Mall with all those thousands of people behind a thin line of policeman bowled her over. She said that wouldn't have been so dignified over here.
She said that the British should be proud. How nice of her to say that.
Anyway, back to the question at hand........or should I say mouth.
There was one root that had been giving me all the trouble and he thinks he got all the nasties out of it this time.
I bloody hope so.
Another hour and half in the chair. It gets kinda old.
To try to ensure success this time he has given me.........wait for it............another course (2 weeks this time ) of antibiotics but in case that isn't enough he has given me steroids too.
Just what I needed.......more pills.
Oh, I really won't mind .........if it all works.
I have to go back in another 3 weeks and if it is all healed and ticketty boo, he will finish it off.
I do hope it is.
Philip had to go to the quack's today because his chest has been playing him up again. Now he has got two lots of stuff to take.
Right old pair aren't we.
Wednesday I was at the animal shelter again. Our friend Nick has adopted a little dog from there after I sent him pictures of it.
She is lovely. Ellie May. We were meant to go over and see her tonight but we are both not feeling up to scratch so we will go next week.
Well, at least I have done some good for Ellie and Nick. I am so pleased for them.
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