Now what??????
We had something of an adventure today.
Philip woke me at 5am in a lot of pain.
Initially, we thought it might be a reaction to the steroids he was put on yesterday when he had to go to the hospital regarding his breathing/chest problems.
I soon realised it wasn't.
He was in agony. So much so that he was rolling around the floor, screaming, swearing & moaning (and swearing again....there was a fair amount of swearing).
I had a pretty good idea what it was and had to call the ambulance.
You don't do that lightly over here as it is a very costly business.
I am dreading the bills that will come in but we had very little choice.
The ambulance men stretchered him out and I accompanied him to the E.R.
They were very good there. They started him on pain killing injections as he was in a terrible state.
A C.T. scan confirmed what I had suspected (I had seen someone like this before) ....Philip has kidney stones.
3 to be precise.
One of which is on the move and causing all the pain.
At one point it looked like they would keep him in as they couldn't get the pain under control.
They were having to inject him every 10 minutes.
The doctor said that if we could control it with strong painkillers then Philip could go home and wait for things to pass.........literally.
So, eventually we came home armed with pain pills, nausea pills and pills to try to move things along a bit quicker.
It didn't start well when having taken the pills he immediately threw them up again.
But, after taking the nausea pill first and waiting a bit, the others stayed down and so far, so good.
If it gets too much for him then we have to go back.
They say it can take 7 - 10 days to pass. Let us hope it goes quickly.
Well, we won't be doing much for Memorial Day Weekend.
I am just glad that Philip is ok and that he is home.
Let's hope he can stay here.
The ducks, Donald & Daisy, now visit every morning and evening.
I have started to put a dish of water out for them now.
I think I might end up putting a paddling pool out soon.
Oh no!! Not Phil as well. As you know, Heather and I are well aware of the effects of kidney stones. Please take care.
Yes, Heather has crossed my mind more than once over the last couple of days.
I hope you and the family are all well :)
Ohh my word I don't look at your bloggy for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose.
really hope they pass through quickly and thathe feels better soon honey. Goodness you must have been so worried. Big {{{{HUGS}}}} to both of you
Us Lot
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