Back to dentist..........
Firstly, I must admit that our hummingbird feeder is not quite so successful as the one pictured.
Not nearly as successful.
Not very successful at all. Oh well, alright.........we haven't seen one hummingbird flocking to it yet.
The bluebird was back though, but he eats seeds not the hummingbird nectar.
I will not give up on it yet though.
I am also trying not to give up on this poxy tooth.
I had to go back to the specialist on Tuesday.
It really is no better and was beginning to feel worse. The whole of the side of my face hurt, including my ear and up to my eye.
I was midway through the fourth course of antibiotics but they were obviously having no effect.
He prodded an poked (again) and decided that the infection is in the jaw bone.
So,................wait for it...............antibiotics course number 5.
These are extra potent which basically means they will have extra potent side effects.
I am growing weary of it all.
But, I will not lose faith.
It shall be alright.
It shall be.
On a much brighter note.
I was at the animal shelter yesterday and found out that an application had been put in for a kitty I had grown very fond of.

She has been at the shelter for over a year but constantly hides under her bed. Once you take her out of the cage she is a sweetheart, wanting tummy rubs and being super affectionate.
I was so pleased to hear someone wanted her.
Then, even better, the lady who was adopting her came in to pick her up while I was there.
She is a lovely lady. She was so excited to being taking her home and I was so excited to have met her and to see Hilary go home.......Oh I was near to tears.
Makes it all worthwhile doesn't it?
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