When should I start worrying?

You see this friend said he had looked at some "Death Clock" (doesn't sound like anything I would want to look at) on the interwebs and it gave him another 28 years.
Well, on this telly program I saw it said the end of the world was coming on December 21st 2012.
One of them has to be wrong.
The telly program was very insistent though. They seemed to have a lot of facts & figures.
They laid out a very strong argument for this event due to alignments of things.
The sun and various planets (I think....I wasn't really giving this the attention it deserved considering the scale of its importance...what with everything being annihilated and buggered up etc) ....are going to line up or line dance or something on this day and then things will all go pear shaped.
I have heard line dancing can do this.
Now I think this will be most inconvenient.
I mean .....why couldn't it have been after Christmas.
It leaves me with major problems........well apart from being engulfed in solar flares etc.
Do I or do I not buy Christmas presents?
Think about it.
If I buy all the Christmas presents for all the people I usually buy them for it will be a complete waste of money if we are all going to be sucked into a black hole or something a few days before Christmas.
But...........what if I don't buy any?
What if I don't buy any and then nothing untoward happens on December 21st?
How will I feel if I have no presents for people at Christmas and they bought some for me?
The alternative would be to rush out on December 22nd and try to buy them all then.
Hah, can you imagine how the prices would be hiked up for all of us who chose to believe the Four Horseman were on the horizon and didn't shop?
There would be no sales on then matey.
This leaves me in something of a quandary. It needs more thought and less TV shows.
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