ain't what it used to be.

I received an email from the father in law a couple of days ago.
It was a series of jokes re a "Ralphy" and his exploits with his teacher.
It made me start to reminisce about old times.
Some of my old friends will remember I usually had a tale to tell on a Tuesday evening regarding things that had happened in the classroom back then.
One lad in particular featured heavily in those tales.
My old chums will remember him......Robert.
I don't know that they got to meet him. He wasn't one of the ones I trucked around to go to Planet Lazer nights.....that wouldn't be allowed now. I probably have to fill in a million forms for health & safety etc.
Some of those were a little rascals too, but Robert was special.
He was hopeless at almost everything but had this indestructible optimism.
On being told that his answers were wrong again........he would smile and reply "Yes but I wasn't far out was I ma'am."
Would that I could maintain that outlook on life.
I wrote back to the father in law with a tale one of Robert's escapades.
As my dad would have said "Everything in his favour was against him"..........but you know I bet Robert did well.
He is probably worth more than I will ever be.
I have bumped into many kids from back then when I visit but never Robert.
I hope I do one day.
I then got drawn into reminiscing and I reminisced about Darren....see picture above.
This kid also had nothing going for him.
He had big sticky out ears, was as thick as a very thick thing and even found staying upright in a chair totally impossible.
He was also a bit of a clown........had to be to survive really. Anyway, back then, we staff had methods of keeping sane. You wouldn't get away with it now.
This particular day Darren was driving me and the rest of the class nuts so I wrote a note and sent him on an errand to another class.
The note said please keep him for a while as he is driving me crazy.
I told Darren to ask Mr Jones (in Design & Technology) for a long weight (wait).
Mr Jones told him to "stand over there for a bit" and then added to the note and sent him for a "packet of gusto and a tin of elbow grease".
Peace reigned.
Just before the end of the lesson Darren returned looking puzzled.
On asking if he was ok he replied.
"Yes ma'am, I was on my way back when this little fat bloke asked me why I was out of lessons, so I showed him my note and he said to get back to my class. I dunno who he was."
I did.
It was the headmaster..........oh bugger.
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