Where's Spring?
We have a short thaw in process at the moment.
Oh it is glorious.......mostly.
Yesterday the temperature was above freezing for much of the day and some of the snow melted.
Not a lot......but some.
So today I planned to walk to the bus stop and go to the Mall.
It wasn't quite as easy as I had anticipated as the snow that did thaw yesterday must have washed away the chemicals on the sidewalks.
Then, the temperature dropped below freezing over night and there was tons of ice about today.
But, intrepid me managed to walk, sometimes on the path, sometimes in the road and often clambering through snow.........I got to the bus stop.........brill.
Coming home was easier as it had warmed up a bit and the ice had melted.
I do wish this would continue and we could be done with the cold but I know it is too soon.
But, to help things along I put some Spring flowers (artificial of course) in the front window and put my English, tra la posh , flowered table cloth on the dining room table.
There that should do it.
I had to smile when I looked at my flowers in the window.......the backdrop is still snow....but who cares.
It makes me feel better so it must be good.
Alanmas is over.
Philip and Alan left at 6am yesterday morning to go to Chicago airport.
I got up to say goodbye to Alan and wish him a safe trip.
I have heard today that he arrived in Whitstable safely.
I do hope he has a lovely time.
Next lot of visitors will probably be Donna and Lauren.
I think they are coming over for a couple of weeks at the beginning of April.
Oooooh.......just thought........I will be able to play The Easter Bunny......fab.
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