The Adventures of Pointy
On looking out of my bathroom window today I noticed that Pointy plus his minions, George & Mildred, had disappeared.
Oh the humanity of it.
The poor, innocent souls must have met their demise.
They must have fallen onto the frozen tundra below, otherwise known as the garden path.
I was ready to pen a suitable epitaph for the gallant band.
But wait............
When I came downstairs and looked out of the window.................
Joy of joys !!!
There in all their glory were our brave crew. They had obviously grown tired of the view over the back and decided to move to the front of the house.
Maybe, they wanted to help Merv find his hole, which by the way hasn't surfaced yet but if you notice .....none of our snow has diminished in any way.
Temperature today in case you are interested, is a balmy minus 25C (with wind chill).
Anyway, back to the important issues of the day.
Pointy, George & Mildred seemed to have made other acquaintances. How lovely. How sweet.
We've got a luvverly bunch of icicles.
See above......lots and lots.
NOT SO Fast.
Later I discovered this unholy plot.
Yes, there he was....the not so wonderful, sweet or kind Pointy (along with George & Mildred but not so much), had moved yet again.
This time the motive was much more sinister.
Was he looking for Merv's hole?
No he was not.
Oh wicked, wicked icicle.
The Icicle of Damocles ....if ever I saw it.
Alas and alack the dreaded Cabin Fever must have affected his chilly little mind.
This can happen I am told........never experienced it myself though.
"Wibble wibble".
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