The Aftermath.
He can't find his hole.
This morning I saw him out there with Mrs Merv, pointing and gesturing towards the place where there was once a hole.
It is gone. I don't know if he will find it much before April.
Bless him. He looked mortified.
After he and Philip spent hours clearing the drive yesterday, the snow plough eventually came along this morning and ploughed the whole thing in again.
This sun is shining brightly but it is chuffing cold out there.
Philip managed to get the car out of the garage and got into work ok.
He said all the major roads are now clear.
The trouble with our snow is that it doesn't behave decently.
Does it melt? Does it buggery.
It will just sit there becoming more and more frozen........then more snow will fall on top and that will freeze .....
Never mind it should be gone by May.....with any luck.
Could someone not dig out poor Mervs hole for him ?
Would never work. No one would dig Merv's hole out for him properly. Not good enough for Merv anyways.
Well to be even find Merv's hole would be something of a miracle now. It must be 4ft down and 8ft would take a snow plough to find find it and I think they have more important things to do right now. Poor Merv.
What's this 'hole' you're all on about?
A Mole hole?
A lets bury my wife hole?
A hole to hole up in when the inlaws come hole?
I wana be in and know what Merv's hole is.
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