On safari............
The winter is tough here for wildlife and I am always amazed that any of them can survive it.
The one above is a woodpecker.
I hadn't seen him here before.
I think we had one that used to visit us in Illinois but that is further south and a couple of degrees warmer.
He is pretty though.
The picture doesn't do him justice as the little bugger wouldn't keep still long enough for me to get a good picture of him.
He lives around here with his wife who is not as bright red as he is.
They have wonderful crests on their heads too.
Back to Arnie. He still hasn't been around. I don't know if marsupials hibernate or not.
Maybe they do and he is having a kip somewhere.
I still put his grub out as the crows don't mind tidying it up for me.
Philip is poorly. He came home from work early the other day because he felt rough.
He is in bed now. Poor thing. I hope he is better soon.
My back is playing me up. I am a bit fed up with it.
I really think this cold weather isn't good for us. The idiotic weather man said it would be getting chilly. CHILLY.
It is terribly cold now and the forecast is for it to be 0 degrees Fahrenheit on Friday. Considering that freezing point is 32 degrees in Fahrenheit, then yes it is a trifle CHILLY.
I think it works out to around minus 20 C......but to be honest, once you get down to these temperatures, a couple of degrees either way makes no difference.
I think it is time we moved to somewhere warmer.
Alan is busy cooking dinner for us tonight.
He does this a couple of times when he is over. It is always such a treat.
I don't have to cook and we have 3 courses.
Plus, I haven't heard him swear once........well not yet anyways.
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