Where's Arnie?

I am a bit worried about Arnie, our possum.
He hasn't been around for a couple of nights.
I hope nothing bad has happened to him.
He used to be called Blossom the Possum but then I caught sight of him a few weeks ago and he is enormous.
So I decided he must be a bloke and called him Arnie.
Of course, he might be a bit on the tubby side because of all the grub I put out for him.
It must be tough finding food in the snow and with the kind of temperatures we have.
Alan and Philip took most of the outside lights and decorations down yesterday but they were unable to take down the reindeer or snowmen as the stakes (they are staked into the ground so they don't fall over) are totally frozen into the ground.
It is solid out there.
Anyway, Arnie hasn't been eating his grub. I do hope he is ok.
I should say Eric the squirrels.........as we have lots of them. It is easier to just call them all Eric.
We have........Big Eric, Little Eric, Large Eric, Small Eric, Just Eric.....etc.
I put food out for them too as they never seem to hibernate much.
The chipmunks though are all tucked up cosy in their beds. We won't see them again until the warmer weather arrives.
Look Lollipop can still fit in that box.........mostly.
She surprised Alan yesterday. He was eating some Pringles while watching the Packers (who thankfully won so I didn't have to feed him any of Philip's St John's Wort...it is a mood enhancer apparently) when Lolly really wanted a Pringle.
That blooming cat will eat anything. She was practically climbing into the Pringle tube.
"Give her a Pringle", said I.
"But they are Jalapeno flavour", said he," and they are even burning my mouth".
"Oh well give her it anyway, she won't like it and then she will leave you alone", quoth I.
So he did, she did and then she didn't.
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