Star Wars Oompa Loompa

I could do with this bloke.
Our chipmunks can empty a bird feeder in next to no time. They run straight up the pole. Amazing.
They are also fussy, so they throw out half of it and stuff their faces with the rest.
A couple of these blokes would sort them out.
The back continues to be a problem.
Mornings and evenings seem to be the worse with daytime being not a lot better.
But, if I look back to Monday, when I did it, then I am definitely better than I was then.
We didn't go to River Rhythms on Wednesday.
Of course the weather turned out to be perfect for an evening outside listening to music, but hopefully we can go next week.
I did manage to walk to the shop on the corner yesterday though.
It was mostly out of desperation. I hadn't been out of the house since Sunday and cabin fever was setting in.
I got to the shop ok and looked around a bit but it was a bit of an ordeal walking back.
I do hope this eases up soon or I could start to get a bit crabby.
You wouldn't like me when I am crabby.
July 2nd today and the celebrating has started already.
July 4th weekend. They seem to like to celebrate this for some reason over here.
Tomorrow (3rd) will be the fireworks over the lake downtown. These are magnificent and we always used to go but it gets so crowded that finding a spot or a parking place is almost impossible.
Sunday (4th) parades and fireworks at other places.
Monday (5th) fireworks in the parks.
We have been going to our local park for fireworks for a couple of years. Of course the weather is set to be sunny and warm right up until Monday (park firework day) when it is supposed to be stormy.
We shall see. I am hoping that I am up for walking and sitting in the park by then. Not in thunder and lightning though.
A lot of people have today and Monday off work. Philip will be lucky if he gets Monday off.
I hope he does.
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