They came to pick him up yesterday evening.
It was wonderful to see them back together.
They thought they would never see him again. Of course, even though I had tried to prepare them, they were shocked at how thin and battered he was.
It all got very emotional with everyone hugging each other.
They are going to take him to the vet for a check up which I think is a good idea.
I was very happy to see them go but a little sad too.
I had become quite attached to old Baxter.
I had told him that no matter what happened, whether it turned out this wasn't his mum & dad or if they didn't come for him..........then he would stay here.
He would be safe.
But this was the best outcome for everyone.
Bye, bye Baxter.......get better soon.
They have promised to send me pictures of him when he is plumper.
Just to clarify something I said before.
Cats are not allowed outside here. It is state law.
I think it is for a couple of reasons. Mainly that there are many dangers for cats outside in Wisconsin.
We have coyotes & raccoons etc. I am surprised Baxter lasted for 7 weeks outside.
Because most cats have never been outside .....they really don't seem to miss it.
Ours are very happy indoor kitties. Bubba was picked up by the Humane Society when he was about 2 years old and he has known "outside".
We have had him 10 years now during which time he has never been out, but just now and again he will go and sit at the back door waiting as if it is the most natural thing in the world for us to let him go.
Daft cat.
The other bonus is ........they don't pick up fleas, also they seem to live longer.
It isn't unusual for cats around here to live for 20+ years.
When I come over to England, for the first couple of days I tend to freak out if I see a cat outside.
Then I remind myself that it is ok...........I am daft too, but that isn't news to anyone.
I had a feeling if Baxters P's didn't turn up he would not be going anywhere, I hope you post any plump puss pics you get. As for it being State law all I can say is WOW ! Gotta agree it is a miracle he lasted 7 weeks, odd though I know they get racoons and Coyotes in Texas but cats there are allowed outside guess each State is different sounds kinda sensible though. Are most of the kits in your state declawed or is that down to owners choice. One of my friends in Houstons cat was declawed and I found it the saddest thing to see a cat having to have a garden gate opened as it could not get any purchase to climb the fence.
x x x x
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