Ground Control to Major Tom............
On Friday I saw the stray kitty outside my window again.
He looked very scraggy and I knew it was the same one I had seen last week.
I went outside but he hid under our peonies.
So, I took him some cat treats and moved away. He came out and scoffed them.
Hmmm......this wasn't good enough, so I went back in a brought him out some canned food in a dish.
He went back under the peonies but not quite so far this time.
After he had eaten the food I saw him wander sadly up the road. I was very upset about him.
That night I put more dry cat food outside. I was hoping that he might come back and if I continued to feed him I might build up his confidence over a couple of weeks and I might be able to take a look at the tag on his collar.
In the afternoon I decided to take a peak under the peonies..........and there he was all curled up.
I talked to him and he answered me but he wouldn't come out.
So, I got him some more canned food and sat right by the dish. Eventually he came out to eat and I managed to stroke his head.
When he had finished he didn't move away so I decided to take a chance and I picked him up.
It was a big chance as he could have exploded as only cats know how.
But, he seemed to have given up. He is so terribly thin and battered about.
I took him indoors and he is in the spare bedroom.
Major Tom what do I do?
On his collar is a tag but it is just his rabies vaccine number did have the number of a vet in Wauwatosa though.
This is miles away. Of course I rang the vet but they are all closed for the weekend.
Looked like he would be here until at least Monday then.
I also phoned a cat rescue and the lady there said she thought the vet would be the best one to try to trace the owners. She did warn me though that many people move away and just abandon their pets.
I didn't even know if they had a lost & found section but they do.
I could tell this kitty had been outside for a while due to his condition so I trawled through loads of pages of missing & found kitties.
I got to the end of April and was about to give up when I spotted one who described a kitty exactly like this one.
And.......they live in Wauwatosa.
I immediately phoned the guy and he told me that Baxter is 13 years old. He described the collar and tag so we are pretty sure it is the right cat.
Poor Baxter had got out of the house while this guy's uncle had been working there. Cats here are not allowed outside so if they do get out they very often won't know how to get home.
He had come a long way though. He has also had a very tough time.
I was so pleased and excited. This guy, Bob, is supposed to be picking Baxter up this evening.
I can't wait to see them together.
Yesterday Baxter was a very sad kitty. I don't think he would have lasted much longer.
This morning he was much brighter and purred when he saw me. This afternoon he even came and curled up on my lap and went to sleep.
He is painfully thin. It makes me almost shudder to stroke his back as all his bones stick out.
His face is battered and he has lost some fur, but at least he is safe now.
I did try to prepare his dad for his condition. He will need a lot of feeding and nurturing but I think he will be fine.
What will my next Major Tom moment be I wonder?
Oh Sue you are so lovely thank you on behalf of Baxter. Bless him poor chap thank heavens there are people like you who will put themselves out for animals. One question though why are cats there not allowed outside ?
Momo and me look forward to hearing how it goes tonight and don't be too sad when he goes home ( even though I know you probably will just human nature in animal lovers )
big hugs for him though and for you
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