I fancy a fascinator.

Where did the weekend go?
Saturday....ermmm......what did we do?
Oh yes, we had a trawl round the mall. It was fun.
Before that I sold some old broken gold jewellery. I don't know if it is the same over there but over here the jewellers are begging people to bring in their old gold.
So, I had a peruse of my jewellery box and found some stuff that I either don't wear or was broken.
It was quite an interesting experience. Once inside the shop they touch each piece of jewellery with a strong magnet. If it sticks then the stuff is merely gold plated.
My stuff passed that test. I did ask the posh ladies if they used that device on jewellery that their boyfriends might buy them.
On to the next test. Carrots or carats or karats....whatever.
Here we hit a bit of a problem.
In the US gold is 10k, 18k or 24k.
In the UK gold is 9k, 18k & 24k.
Over here they don't want any of that British 9k rubbish......thank you very much.
So, some of my stuff was politely refused as it was bought in the UK.
This left about 4 bits & pieces.
They then tested these bits and decided to give me $159.
I was quite chuffed with that. I might just as well have the dosh as have broken stuff.
I am hoping that they are buying gold in England when I come over as I will bring the 9k stuff with me.
They should buy it back.......they were happy enough to sell it to me.
Sunday. We finished the garden. Well, I hope we have.
Along the side of the garage, instead of planting annuals or a sumptious flower garden mat ( which failed miserably last year) we decided to put decorative white marble rocks.
It looks quite nice but took way more than we anticipated.
The trouble is that the trough is shallow so any flowering plants dry out very quickly, otherwise I would have planted perennials.
As the trough is so shallow I don't think they would survive our winters.
This way the marble rocks look nice and keep the weeds away.
Hopefully, if all the other stuff we planted grows then the only gardening we will need to do in the future is pruning the roses and chucking some more mulch down.....well apart from mowing the grass.
We shall see.
Thinking about when I am over in the UK brings me to fascinators.
I have been invited to a wedding while I am in England.
Of course I shall get a posh frock etc but I really want a fascinator. A friend of mine once sent me pictures of himself and his wife at a posh "do" and she had this wonderous contraption on her bonce.
It was so pretty with whirly, sparkly bits. Much better than a hat.
When I enquired as to what it was he told me it was a "fascinator".
I have wanted one ever since. Well, I suppose I have wanted one and an excuse to wear one ever since.
At long last this could be my chance.
Now I have to find out where I can get one.
I feel some searching on the "interwebs" coming on.
Maybe ebay too.
I really fancy a fascinator.
Yes, they are trying to buy as much gold jewellery as they can get hold of over here! And Ebay seem to have loads of Fascinators when I was looking at them...maybe I'll add them as dress code for the christening! But if I do I have a feeling Mr Styles may wear one as well!!!
He's fascinating enough.
Where do I get one?
You will have to look on ebay.
Make one they are a doddle to make and more personalised then or ask a crafty friend if your not confident enough to make one yourself. It's great fun to do
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