
I can walk, with difficulty, stairs are a bit of a problem, getting up/down is bloody awful.
It took me twenty minutes to get dressed this morning.
Putting my socks on was like a circus act.
And........I don't ever remember dropping so many things on the floor.
Getting to the mall today was out of the question.
Going to work tomorrow is likewise out of the question.
I phoned Pat to let her know and she gave me advice on applying heat to the affected area.
I had been given this same advice by another source but wasn't sure if it should be heat or cold.
Well, apparently, for muscles it is heat.
So that is what I am doing. I have lots of other things I would like to be doing and it is driving me nuts that I can't do them.
I can't even paint as I can't sit for long.
A Dave Barry quote for all parents :-
I would say that an appropriate cuisine for the parent of a baby is the kind that you can eat with one hand. You will need the other hand to keep putting things into the baby's mouth, so your baby can spit them out ( a baby is not happy unless it is emitting something from somewhere).
In fact, you may need both hands for this activity, so you might want to order a dinner that you can eat with no hands, sporadically lunging your face down to your plate and "snorking" up food Labrador-retriever style.
Major bummer honey, heat is deffo best for your muscles tis true so a hotty botty always works well that and some bengay......... ( oh what wonderful stuff that is and the only one of those sort of thing I am not allergic to ) apply liberally it also has the added bonus of unblocking bunged up noses.
Hope you feel better really soon
x x x x
Thanks mate.
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