Swear like an Egyptian.
It was totally different from anything else I have done.
I have always fancied having a go at something with an Egyptian theme and it was not as easy as I thought.
For a start, there is a definite style that is in all Egyptian paintings.
I did not want to copy anything but I did want to use the style.
So, I read books, looked at their art and hieroglyphs.
They painted everything very flat. There is no shading or definition.
This is hard to do when you have been trained to show every curve and recess.
Usually you would show the structure of the body beneath the clothes. Egyptians did not.
I found it hard to resist shading and defining the movement of the bodies.
Everything is very stylised and not true to life.
Also, I had to try not to make it too perfect. Their art was a little primitive and done free hand which gives it so much atmosphere.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun doing this picture, but it has left me with a healthy respect for those artists who made their mark so many thousands of years ago.
I have no clue what the hieroglyphs mean so it could be a load of swearing.
I hope it is.
I have to explain the above picture so you can understand why it made me giggle.
Poor Bubba. It may have been mentioned before but he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Anyway, the kitties are always fed in a part of basement.
It is the utilities/storage area. The washing machine and dryer are there and the floor is stone.
Not like the main basement area which has tiles and carpet.
Every day, twice a day, it is feeding time and the kits form a sort of feeding frenzy around the legs of whoever has the pleasure of dishing out the grub.
The girls are given their dishes on the floor but Bubba doesn't like to get his toes cold on the stone floor so he sits on one of the blue rugs that are there.
On Friday I washed and dried these rugs but I had left them on top of the washing machine.
Come feeding time Philip called me to come and look.
There was Bubba, waiting for his dinner, sitting on his rug which was still on top of the machine.
Oh bless him.
He wasn't going to get cold tootsies whatever happened.
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