Easter......eggs....hot cross buns.....etc
Lollipop could get a degree in finding the cosiest spots for a kip.
I dare not open the dishwasher and get distracted by something else or I find her like this.
Zonked out on the warm door.
Our dishwasher came with the house and is very old.
You have to trundle it out and fix a hose onto the tap. We are trying to make it last as we will get a new one if we can ever afford to have the kitchen revamped.
Until then I am happy to nurture the one we have.
Lolly is no light weight and I do hope that she doesn't put too much of a strain on the poor thing.

She likes to relax on a comfy cushion. This doesn't mean she has mastered the art of elegance yet though. She is still working on that.
Today is Good Friday and Philip is allowed to finish work a whole 2 hours early.
That is the sum total of his Easter holiday.
They don't do Easter Monday over here. On top of which he has some major project at work that he will need to supervise all day Sunday from home.
Pants...........and no overtime pay..........mega pants.
We will have our Hot Cross Buns for brekkie on Sunday. Donna sent me two packets.
Oh we are so excited.
They don't do them here. We did see them in one coffee shop and tried them. They were awful.
Nothing like "real" hot cross buns.
The cross was done in icing so they couldn't be warmed or toasted and there were no currants.
I have also decided to cook a roast dinner on Sunday too.
I usually only do this at holiday times so it is a bit of a treat.
The weather this week has been amazing. In the 80sF all week and sunny. In fact we put the air conditioning on upstairs last night as it was a bit too warm to sleep comfortably.
I spent some time tidying up the garden yesterday until I got too hot. I even wore a T. shirt.
It is hard to believe that just a few short weeks ago we were up to our ears in snow.
I don't think it will last though. In fact they are talking about thunderstorms tomorrow. We haven't had any rain in ages.
I knew it was too soon for summer but at least we have had a little taster.
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