HAH.....Caught in the act........................
I heard a rustling.
There is a corner of the basement where we store things like, wrapping paper, gift bags.....and, more importantly, gift bows.
Lollipop developed a passion for gift bows at Christmas.
She nicked all the bows off the prezzies under the tree and took them away for a good chewing.
She had found our stash.
There she was sitting in the bag of bows having a fabulous time.
It must have been like gift bow heaven to her.
She has a not inconsiderable bulk. Cat like grace seems to have escaped her.
I doubt very much if chewing them is going to make much of a difference to the bows' condition now.
They have been Lollipopped..............a sad demise for "purty" bows indeed.
On Saturday we went to the theatre to see "Seven Keys to Slaughter Peak".
Oh it was good.
Really over the top, lots of send ups, lots of laughs and gun shots too.
What more could we ask?
I do love live theatre and always say we should go more often but I am probably wrong about that.
Because we go infrequently, it is more of a treat and something to look forward to.
I was sad when it was over but, hopefully, there will be something else to look forward to soon.
We put lots of red bark stuff around the roses out the front. It looks lovely and should keep the weeds down. I hate weeding.
I haven't decided what to put alongside the garage yet but can assure you that it will not be an "Instant Flower Garden Carpet" or whatever it was called, like I put down last year.
The few weeds that grew there are now history and the soil should be well rested as I don't think the plastic flowers I stuck in there in temper, took much out of it.
I suppose it will be back to Busy Lizzies and Petunias. At least they produce a colourful show even if it almost kills me planting them.
I also put my Birthday prezzies in the back garden.
The above gnomes are now standing by the gazing ball.
I put all my other ornaments back too. Helps me to think that Winter may have actually gone.
I can't plant anything until mid May as we could still get frosts.
Today is Glenn's birthday.
I sent his prezzies a couple of weeks ago, to be sure they got there.
I am hoping he opened his card today. I try very hard to find something different every time.
He has had "little boy" cards, one I got him was just a picture of a gherkin ..........this time.........I got him a funny one.
Well, I expect it is funny. Can't be sure really because it is in Spanish.
I must go phone him now. He should be in from work I think.
Your cat always make me giggle...are you aure she wouldn't like to emigrate to the UK??? I think she would be perfect for keeping Baby Z under control! She could jsut sit on him and I'd know exactly where he was!! Maybe you should offer her as a baby sitter...literally!
I really shouldn't read Lollipop tales at work, I get funny looks when I start laughing!
I think Lollipop should maybe have her own blog. She would have a far greater following than me.
She looks so innocent just sat sitting in her bag! I think she needs a blog all of her own, I know I'd love reading about her expolits plus what her furry friends get up to!
And as for not having any feline grace I can totally empathise with her as any grace I tried to pretend I had as well and truly vanished to eb replaced with the current beached whale look....
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