Still gullible......sigh.

It started out ok.
We had our imported Hot Cross Buns for brekkie and they were delish.
I really cannot tell you how delish.
We savoured every buttery bite.
Then a chance remark made me realise that I must still walk around with my eyes shut.
More than that really.
I am still gullible. After all these years I still believe what people tell me.
I do get cross with myself over this.
I spent many years totally unaware of much deception and lies.
When I eventually "saw the light", I was amazed at all the stuff I hadn't seen and hadn't figured out.
It all seemed so obvious now. I vowed to be more perceptive and not to be so easily fooled.
It seems I can't help it. I do trust what people say and do and I don't see through things nearly enough.
After all this time I am just as gullible as I was before.
There can be no hope for me........I am a mug.
The day went downhill from then on.
I sort of sunk into a pit of gloom, veering from feeling foolish to being angry with myself.
Poor Philip wondered what was wrong with me, but I just said I was having a sad day.
Which was true.
I am usually happy and upbeat so he knew something was wrong. Bless him.
Today I have decided to accept the fact that not everyone speaks the truth and I will get stung now and then.
Oh well.................I don't know why I bother.
On another note.
I got a birthday prezzie from my son today.
This is something of a first. He sent it from there to here.......ok so it is over a week late, but it was even wrapped in happy birthday paper. He says he is working on getting a prezzie to me on time for next year.
A step at a time he says.
He sent me a dvd of an English TV series called...."Outnumbered".
He thinks I will like it and has been wanting me to see it for ages.
I will let him know what I think.
This evening we have another man coming to give us an estimate for the basement repairs.
The first bloke quoted just under $4000 but he seems very unreliable and in a bit of a dream most of the time. He didn't actually inspire us with confidence.
We then have another one coming tomorrow at 9am.
I shall tag along with Philip and listen to what the one tonight has to say so that I can compare it with what tomorrow's one says.
That will be 3 estimates and should be enough for us to make a decision.
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