
We have been waiting over a week for someone to call to discuss when the basement repairs could start.
At last yesterday someone did.
The lady on the phone was not particularly helpful. In fact she was downright miserable.
Maybe she had left her personality at home that morning.
Anyway, she told me, told me, that the men would be arriving on Friday (tomorrow) to do the basement.
"Oh" said I, " If the basement is going to take two days then surely it isn't good to start on a Friday?"
"They will work on Saturday", said she.
"I don't know about that as my husband works long hours and might not like losing half his weekend like that," quoth I.
"It will only take one day" she retorted, snottily.
"That isn't what Blaine (the head honcho) told me", I replied politely.
"Blaine said it would take two days?" she replied incredulously.
"Oh well I think it will only take one day" she replied imperiously.
Now, I may be a bit dim but surely the engineer who came to look at the work needed, who is also the head man of the company, must know a bit more than some snooty woman who presumably just answers the phones.
" I will phone my husband and ask him what he thinks" I told her, " I will then call you back".
Oh she didn't like that.
I spoke to Philip who said that there was no way he could have the basement ready for the work before Friday ( stuff to be moved etc) and that he didn't want to lose his Saturday. We are paying a great deal of money for this job and they can do it to suit us ......not them.
I phoned her back.
I didn't say all that as I was taught always to be polite to people.
I just told her Friday would not work and she arranged it for Wednesday / Thursday next week.
Bugger..........that meant I would lose a day's work so I phoned her back and asked if they could start on Thursday instead of Wednesday.
She told me they couldn't possibly do that as they were already booked for Friday.
So, Wednesday it is.
I wish I had been quicker though. She had insisted previously that it would be just one day's work. Now, it seems, they couldn't start on Thursday because their Friday was already taken.
Hmmmm.....so now it is two days work.
I have been in two minds whether to mention her manner to the blokes next week. I thought maybe I would just ask who the telephone lady was and what her problem is.
As the person on the phone is the first point of contact for a business, she really doesn't do them any favours.
But, I would hate to get anyone into trouble so I knew I would probably end up saying nothing.
Then karma happened.
This morning I had a phone call.............from her.
" I am just calling to confirm that our men will be at your house at 8 am tomorrow to start your basement repair", said she.
"Oh no they won't. They are coming next week", I replied.
"But it was arranged" she engaged snotty mode. "Has it been changed?"
"No, it was never arranged for tomorrow. You only phoned me yesterday and I told you Friday wouldn't work so you arranged it for Wednesday, 8am".
There was a total change of demeanor, as the realisation of dropped clangers hit her.
"Oh silly me. I must have not updated my notes. Ha ha.......what was I thinking." she waffled.
She was thinking what a bloody idiot she had just made of herself. That is what she was thinking.
"Yes, yes of course, next Wednesday 8am" she simpered.
"So, ok let's just check then. Next Wednesday, not tomorrow?" I replied, barely concealing my smugness. "I am glad you phoned because if they had turned up tomorrow I would not have been happy."
"Oh dear, no you wouldn't" she schmoozed.
So, karma having done its job, I have no need to drop her in it when the men are here.
I am glad.
If I had said something I would have felt bad about it for days.
If I hadn't said something, I would have been cross with myself for wimping out.
So, thank you karma.
Now I just hope those guys are not standing on the doorstep tomorrow morning.
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