Dull here.....exciting golfing over there.

I love this picture of a ladybird after the rain.
It has rained here all the weekend. I can't really complain as we haven't had any rain for weeks and the gardens were looking a bit grim.
We are waiting for the phone call from the basement man to say when he will start work.
I hope it isn't too much longer as I would like to get it over with.
Not a lot happening here right now. It is a quiet time of year in Milwaukee.
In the winter there are lots of things going on to keep people from going mad in the snow.
The summer is jam packed with festivals, free concerts, barbies etc.
Even autumn is busy with the run up to Halloween and Thanksgiving.
Right now it is the lull before the storm.
The weather is unpredictable, so I haven't been doing much gardening.
We could still have a frost. I will buy some plants and get stuck in after mid May.
I would love to have a pond but the winters here are too severe.
The water would freeze right to the bottom and I don't think fish survive well in solid ice.
I suppose we could get a water heater but I would worry that it might fail and the fish would die.
I really don't need anything else to worry about.
Apparently, Glenn had a go at golfing.
For those of you STILL not on Facebook the post went something like this.
Glenn McCann The golf clubs my dad bought me for my birthday are rubbish. The golf balls my sister bought me for my birthday are crap. And, to the man in the car park: Yes I know it went in the lake. I know what a lake is. Just get in the car and take your ugly smug son with you.
Donna Beal and 2 others like this.

Glenn McCann
Playing golf just makes me want to smash peoples faces in. Like the three queers who invited me the play through because I was by myself, then watched me take about 20 strokes whilst still on the green. I was by myself because I didn't have my boyfriends with me. And at every hole, a bird kept chirping "twat."
Yesterday at 6:36pm

Donna Beal
er need more balls then? or not...yet?
Yesterday at 6:43pm

Dale Smith
even if it said 'twat' at least a birdie was involved
Yesterday at 6:45pm

Glenn McCann
Not to mention the squirrel. It was on the fairway as I tee'd off. It didn't even bother getting out of the way.
Yesterday at 6:46pm

Glenn McCann
Aww Dale, you should come golfing with me to make it seem like im doing well. And on my next date with a girl.
Yesterday at 6:47pm

Glenn McCann
Yes Donna I need more balls, but not those spastic ones you got me last time.
Yesterday at 6:48pm

Glenn McCann
Ive had two rounds of nine hole golf. Which amounts to one round of golf, and I've got about 4 balls left out of 20
Yesterday at 6:49pm

Dale Smith
Glenn, we can do that, just pretned your my carer. I've never played golf, is it as fun as you've made it sound?
Yesterday at 6:49pm

Glenn McCann
Yes Dale, golf is fantastic. It's worth having a set of clubs even if you're not totally into it. When you've done it once, there are times when you cant wait to get home from work so you can have a round of golf. However, immediately after having a round of golf, you're not interested any more and feel a bit sleepy.
Yesterday at 6:56pm

Dale Smith
so saves counting sleep?
Yesterday at 7:01pm

Glenn McCann
Well, apart from the times you have a bad day at golfing and you want to smash someones face in, yes.
Yesterday at 7:05pm

Susan Banks
I bet all you people didn't know Basil Fawlty had changed his name to Glenn McCann.
Yesterday at 7:21pm ·

Dale Smith
don't mention the 'FORE'!
Yesterday at 7:22pm

Glenn McCann
A perfect analogy. After missing the hole several times, I got very angry and tried to kick the ball as hard as I could. I missed it, got more angry, then kicked it again into a lake. Then I got another ball out and gave it a damn good thrashing.
Yesterday at 7:26pm

Donna Beal
was that when the fird was chirping "twat"
Yesterday at 7:29pm

Glenn McCann
No, the bird followed me around. It may have been many birds.
Yesterday at 7:31pm

Donna Beal
i dont think your rounds of golf are gonna be very stress relieving
Yesterday at 7:33pm

Dale Smith
sounds like they are for the other golfers though
Yesterday at 7:35pm

Glenn McCann
I still want to punch someone.
Yesterday at 7:36pm

Susan Banks
I wonder if Granddad ever played golf?
Yesterday at 7:49pm ·

Glenn McCann
And finally, to top it all off, I asked the man in the club house if I could borrow a pen to write down my score. It turns out that I'd rather borrow a video camera to film my love making, because with golf I've finally found something I'm worse at.
Yesterday at 7:52pm

Susan Banks
It could have been worse...........
Yesterday at 7:54pm ·
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