All gone away.................

A major humfff.
They left this morning.
We were all up at 4 a.m as they were getting the morning flight out of Chicago.
Philip took them to the airport, saw them checked in and then went off to work. He works in Chicago.
I have had people staying here for the past two months.
Alan was here from the beginning of January and then Donna and Lauren arrived the day before he left.
This house seems very quiet.
I phoned Philip at work and he said that Lauren started to cry the moment they left.
She cried most of the way to the airport. She had told me she didn't want to go home.
Donna didn't want to go home either and said she had had a brilliant time.
She had a fab time even if she didn't escape the dreaded shovelling.
This was her on Wednesday evening.
Donna couldn't believe that people still went about their every day business. She thought places would be closed and people would stay indoors.
She thought only "essential" trips would be taken.................LOL.
This is Wisconsin.
It is what we do.
We will have this until April probably.
Lauren liked that.
She wasn't quite so thrilled when it blew the snow all over her.
She banged on the window once and asked if she could make a snow angel. She must have been expecting me to say no, as when I said "of course"...........she decided she couldn't as "she would sink".
So, I have washed all the sheets and towels and am slowly picking up the detritus left by having a child in the house for a couple of weeks.
It will soon be all tidy again...........pants.
I would much sooner it was messy, noisy and full of life.
She will be back in the summer but looking outside at the moment that does seem an awfully long way away.
Well I could post the Baby over to you in June...
I'll send Stevie over and it will be having an overgrown child in the house............ mind you having said that it's nice having someone like him around he makes me feel young
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