Giving Thanks

Well..........that's another Thanksgiving come and gone.
We had a dodgy start as we had our first snow of the season on Wednesday night.
It was a strange feeling looking out of the bedroom window and seeing snow on all the rooftops again.
But, fortunately, it didn't stay around long............this time.
We didn't have the traditional turkey as we have that at Christmas.
I did roast pork for Philip and Gary and I had roast Quorn.
For dessert I did not do a pumpkin pie (this is what you are supposed to have) as we don't particularly like it.
We don't particularly dislike it just doesn't seem to taste of anything.
So, I made a tiramisu, which we all like.
After eating and drinking far too much, we watched some diddly dees (dvds).
We watched part one and two of Hogfather.........which is an adaptation of a Terry Pratchett book and then we watched Night at The Museum, because Gary hadn't seen it and it is funny anyways.
I have to say I was most impressed by my hubby in Pick and Spend....I mean Pick and Save.....our supermarket.
We couldn't find the parsnips. Now he hates parsnips but I am partial to a few roast parsnips with my dinner.
Anyway, while I was off parsnip hunting........he called to me and waved a bag of parsnips at me.
When I asked how he had found them he said.................
Everyone should be sitting down at this point because this is a bloke I am talking about...........
He said..................................
You are sitting down right?
He said.....................................
I very nearly had an attack of the vapours right there in the middle of the turnip greens.
Oh my quote my mum..........
"Never has there been such times...not since old leather bum died".
This would have been one small step for woman but it was one enormous, big, buggery, leap for man.
Well done that chap. There is hope yet.
On another note.
Quote from one of my favourite writers. Dave Barry.
"A hundred years ago, it could take you the better part of a year to get from New York to California; whereas today, because of equipment problems at Chicago airport, you can't get there at all."
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