To the Dells...............

Waterpark capital of the world........or so they say.
There is much more to it than waterparks though.
You can travel around and across the lakes and the scenery is impressive.
Lauren will be happy as there is everything she loves in the Dells..............waterparks, petting zoo, deer park and horse riding.

He will be soooooooo exhausted by the end of this break.........but it will be a different, fun sort of tired.
Last year we swam, did the flumes, did the lazy river etc ....every day.
We also (Philip too) rode horses , fed deer and tried to fend off the goats.
This is the beauty of having Lauren with us. I doubt we would do half of it without her.
She is such fun too, always happy and singing........well up until I got her to practice her tests for the 11+ this morning.
She wasn't too thrilled at that but her mum made me promise to do some with her, so I had to.
We still found things to laugh at though.

There is always a Pirate's Cove crazy golf...........and one day Philip will be defeated.
Sigh............there will also be gift shops.........lots and lots of gift shops............
We should be back on Monday.......providing we are not still deciding what rubbish to buy this time.
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