River Rhythms....alas no men in leather kilts :(
I only do a few hours while she is here and even that can be a tad difficult.
But, Pat is looking after Ellie, a teeny miniature dachshund who loves everybody.
As Lauren is animal mad I thought this might keep her amused for a while.
It did, but only for a little while.
When she grows up and goes to work she will have to find a job where she can work about 20 minutes a week.
We had got in, made a fuss of Ellie, I had gone into the office and switched on the computer, switched on the radio and checked the phone for messages when she said.
"Oh how much longer are we going to be here?"
At my insistence she had taken along her DS Light. Coo these are amazing contraptions.
Anyway, the game of dinosaur wrestling (or something similar) kept her amused for, maybe twenty minutes.
Ellie, having decided she still liked my lap best, was asleep on me as I was trying to make phone calls and type.
I admit I did rush through everything in record time, so I have probably made some spectacular bloomers, just to get out again.
I had forgotten how short an attention span kids these days have.
Unless of course they are watching Spongebob Squarepants........which I have to admit has us all in its evil grasp at the moment.
Photos are on Facebook.
They did look more like the DooWop Granddaddies and the songs were pretty lacking in any sort of lyric that didn't go ......."diddy, dum, woop, woop, ummm, ummm, shoop, wa wa ooeee oooo" but the old buggers were lively enough and were obviously enjoying themselves.
As were the crowd ......although I will admit it was a different crowd from last week when Brother (men in leather kilts.................oooooh matron) were on.
Tonight we are going to Stonefire Pizza.
This is a great place for kids with buffet food and lots of games, video games, go karts etc.
I have a feeling I know someone else who is going to enjoy it too.
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