Oh no.....nearly done.
3 weeks gone already!
We shall all miss her so much.
The house is a tip.......so what. I shall tidy up after she has gone. It has plenty of time to be tidy.
The days will seem very quiet and boring too.
Yes we are worn out but it is a fun...worn out.
She has made a huge difference to Philip too I think.
As he has not had children of his own and, to be honest, he has never been terribly fond of kids....it amazes me how he adores Lauren.
He does things for her that I would never have been able to imagine him doing sometime ago.
She gets him to skip.......him......SKIP!!!!!
She clambers all over him, plays tricks on him and tells him awful jokes.
For her he will dance.
She insists he goes up to say "nite nite" and he loves it.
He is so tolerant with her and I think it is good for him.
He still can't stand most other kids though. I doubt that will ever change much.
I have been busy sorting out some of her junk.....I mean purchases.......to pack for the journey home.
It has given me the shakes.
Funny how when you don't think you are nervous.....you really are.
I thought I was alright about her flying off alone, well until Saturday, but as soon as I pulled out those cases I started shaking.
Hmmmmmmmmm.......I will be a right miserable bugger on Sunday.
It isn't that long till you'll see her again and you have all the memories and photos to keepm you going till then! Maybe Philip will skip to remind you of her!!!
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