Busy Weekend.
It was brill.
We all enjoyed it.
Simon Pegg was the voice of one of the characters. I think it is great that he is getting more and more film work.
Lollipop had never seen anyone take a bath.
We always have showers but Lauren prefers a bath.
Lolly seemed to get quite worried when she saw her sitting in all that water.
But after a quick inspection it seems she was spick and span.
Nothing like sitting on the loo with a cat on your lap.
Saturday we went to the Milwaukee Public Museum.
This is a really good museum, way better than Chicago.
Chicago's museum is old and fusty but Milwaukee's is much more fun.
The dinosaurs were very popular. They have a wonderful diorama of a T. Rex which has just killed a Triceratops and is eating him.
There are amazing sound effects, roars and growls..........I bet there are a few nightmares after seeing this one.......and that is only me.
Lauren enjoyed the butterfly exhibit. She had some land on her.
I don't go in that one.
Not because I am scared of insects but because it is so humid in there that my hair fluffs up like the Pink Panther with his hair dryer.
She also likes all the animals from different areas around the world.
They have a fab ocean exhibit where you look through round port hole type windows beneath the sea.
As you descend you see the way the sea life changes at different depths.
She gets a lot of things from me........for instance........the picture above.
She didn't like that lolly.
It had cherry flavour.........I hate cherry flavour too........cherries are evil.
The budgie exhibit was her favourite I think.
You walk inside with seed on sticks and the budgies land on you to eat it.
Oh this was a big hit.
Lauren truly is a big animal lover (who can she take after I wonder) and she is also very knowledgeable about them.......despite some of the rubbish I was trying to tell her.
It was a long day...........well it had been a long day and we still had the gift shop to do.
Gift shops and kids..........sigh.........truly a test of endurance.
She spends so much time and so much money in them.
Philip bought her a lovely soft, stuffed toy.......a sea horse.
I would have liked one of those. :(
Whenever I took the cubs anywhere, all I could hear would be a chant of
"Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! Gift Shop !! "
until they'd spent every penny they could on plastic rubbish that would be broken before it was even out of the shop.
Yes isn't it amazing the amount of rubbish that kids will buy in a gift shop.
And, the very idea of saving some money for another day is, apparently, totally beyond their comprehension.
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