Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.........
Friday we set off for the State Fair. She had never been here before and it is always good fun.
Lots of food, most of which is on sticks........she had a pork chop on a stick and of course a hot dog.
She is not up to her mum's standard yet.
Donna likes the foot long hot dogs but Lauren had a normal one. I am sure she will catch up one day.
This year we found they had Billy goat races, duck races and pot bellied pig races too.
Oh you are not mixing with the riff raff when you come to Wisconsin State Fair you know.
The animals race for a cookie.
There is a cookie at the end and whoever gets there first gets it.
One poor little pot bellied pig got stuck in the starting gate and got left behind. He was not happy about it.
She came over with one suitcase which was mostly filled with Pot Noodles and wine gums for me.
She went back with two suitcases which were totally full......not a bit of extra space.
Last year we both were given passes that allowed us to take her through to the gate and wait with her until she boarded the plane.
This year the rules had changed and only one of us was allowed through.
I knew this could be a bit of an ordeal. Last year Lauren and I both got a bit tearful.
But, I was determined not to do that this time. In 4 weeks I shall be over to see her.
So, off we went.
They boarded her before anyone else. The flight was due out at 6pm and they called her at 5pm.
The stewardess looked at her and said " Oh I hope you are not going to cry on me?"
This seemed to work like magic for us.
Lauren and I both laughed and I said " Oh no, we don't cry. She's done this before".
So, she was smiling and laughing as she went off and I was pretty much ok too.
I didn't get upset stomach was in a knot but that was anxiety.
I was anxious seeing this small girl going off to get on this huge plane by herself.
I knew I would be anxious until I heard she was home safe.
I then had to wait for everyone else to board. You mustn't leave (as if I would) before the plane has left the gate.
So, I waited an hour staring at the plane until it pulled back and the stewardess said I could go.
I met up with Philip and we checked that it had taken off. No sleep for me that night.
She got home fine, although tired. What a relief.
The house is quiet and sad.
Lollipop is sad. She has been looking for Lauren. They have been inseparable for 3 weeks and she must wonder where she has gone.
I have put the last of the photos on Facebook.
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