Monday, September 15, 2014


We are taking Bubba, seen here with one of the foster kittens, to the vet today.
He needs a check up really, just to see how the vet thinks he is doing.
We have upped his fluids to every other day but I am wondering if he still needs more.
He seems happy enough in himself, eats well (still has diarrhea) and sometimes looks a little bemused.  We think he is a little senile but at around 17 years old, he has every right to be.
He is still his lovely old self, talks to us, hums and sighs.  We can't have him on the bed anymore at night as he 'leaks a little' if he is in a deep, long sleep.
This upsets me a bit as he has always cuddled up with me at night and I know we both miss it.
Maybe the vet will be able to give him something to help.

Do you remember my 'former' friend who yelled at me and caused quite a scene a few weeks ago?  Well, I was so upset over it, especially as it was all about me not having a problem with giving poor children a free school lunch - that it actually made me poorly for a couple of weeks.
I don't need or want any more drama in my life thank you, but  I was also upset at the loss of a friendship in such an awful way.
Anyway, I may have mentioned that she phoned the next day and I couldn't bring myself to answer the phone, but then she went on holiday for a couple of weeks so I didn't hear any more.
Then last week she phoned again.  Again I didn't answer.  Neither time did she leave a message.  She only let it ring a few times before hanging up.
I started to feel a little bit guilty because I thought that maybe she was calling to apologize.  Should I have answered?   I wasn't sure.
I just knew that when the phone rang I began to get in a stress.
This morning she rang again.
I decided not to answer and this time she left a message.
Oh I was so right not to answer.
I half expected her to say something like, " I am sorry for what happened a couple of weeks ago. Let's go out for lunch or something and put it all behind us."
That is the sort of thing I would have said.
Nope.....when she spoke her voice was full of "attitude".
She said.
"I am just calling to see if you are still mad at me.  Apparently you are. This is the third time I have called so I guess it is three times and I am out."
Bloody hell.
Do you see what she did?  She turned the whole thing around to it being me at fault for being mad at her.  I am not mad at her.  I am bloody upset and shocked at the dreadful display of bitterness and resentment she put on when we were supposed to be having a lovely morning swimming.  All for nothing.  The actual radio announcement about free school meals that she had got so wound up about, turned out to be a totally untrue Fox News type thing.  I know because I investigated it.
Listening to the message she left and her tone made me so glad I hadn't answered the phone.
I do believe she would have managed to start it all over again.
Plus, I have now seen first hand this other side to her and I can never forget it.
I don't wish her any ill.  I hope she and her husband stay well.  She has a cruise lined up for October which I hope she really enjoys.  If I were to bump into her in a shop I would say hello and pass the time of day, but she can never be a close friend again and that does make me sad.
We went swimming every week, sometimes had lunch out and also had little shopping outings towards Christmas.
I will miss her and all those things, but things once said can never be unsaid.   That friendship has been damaged irreparably and I am sad.

On a lighter note.
I am getting my stuff together for my English trip.
I made the annual outing to Walmart to buy new socks, knickers and bras.  I have a few new jumpers (bought in the sales) and some thinner tops too as at this time of year you never know what the weather will do.
I have to take up my new jeans......why do I hate this job so much?
The next bit of excitement will come when I actually put stuff in the case.  Then it becomes more real.

Finally........I am really enjoying this latest course I am doing - Paleobiology.
I love the way it is structured and the lecturers are excellent.
Plus you don't have to dig.......I don't do digging.


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