Monday, July 14, 2014

The Shadow

On Friday I got "Merved".

I might have to start calling him Ninja Merv.  I had gone out to water the sunflowers when I noticed the gasmen had filled in the holes they had dug in the lawn and put grass seed down.
This would need watering too.
I dragged the hose round to the side of the house and starting watering.
I swear there was not a soul in sight.
Suddenly there was a voice at my shoulder.  Merv....or more precisely Ninja Merv.
Had he popped up out of a man hole?

Being Merved is quite an unnerving experience, and I don't mean the creeping
No I mean the type of conversation or dare I say, lack of it.
Merv launched into a discourse regarding the gasmen and their methods of work, what they had done etc.  He described all the machines they'd used and how they'd used them.  I heard all about the cameras they put into the pipes to see if there is a fault.  It was most informative.......but there was a distinct lack of understanding of how a conversation works.
Every time there was a pause and I tried to put in my two penn'orth - he disregarded me completely and just carried on from where he left off.
It was uncanny.
He had started to tell me all about the neighbours across from me...the ones on the other corner.  I have merely waved and smiled since they have been here, but Ninja Merv knew all about them.  He knew where they had moved from (California) and that they originated from Wisconsin.  He even started to tell me about their dog, who must be older than they thought (around 12) as he was having a lot of trouble.
At this point, a pause appeared and I tried to say something like, "Yes it is rotten when our pets get old.  One of our cats is 17 and.....................".
Nope, Ninja Merv was only broadcasting....his receiver must have been turned off or not functioning, as he just carried on, totally changing the subject to the building work by McDonald's.
I couldn't help but smile, almost giggle.  It takes you one of two ways I think.  You either knock his head off or you find it amusing.  I did the latter.
But, I am now the proud possessor of new knowledge.
I am reliably informed (although I shall never disclose by whom) that they had to dig up the petrol station next to McDonald's because the big underground petrol tanks were leaking.
Apparently, a certain stealth like apparition who lives across the road from me, takes his sandwiches to a bench outside McDonald's and watches the men work.  He also, quite proudly, boasted of badgering them into telling him exactly what they were doing and why.
They must love him.
Anyway, he seemed quite miffed when I "made my excuses and left".
"Yes, well, I suppose some people do have things to do.", he snipped.
I would have asked him about his hole only he wouldn't have paid attention.


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