Nick Falldown and Jack Knickerless.
Out to brekkie, which was delish. I had a veggie skillet again. This time the hash browns were crisp and golden.
There were also lots of veggies and two fried eggs on top.
Philip had something similar but it was a steak skillet and Alan had the meat lovers skillet.
So, off we went, all full of grub, to have some fun on the driving range.
Alan hadn't played before so Philip gave him some useless....oops I mean.....useful (well that probably depends on your outlook) advice.
I stayed in the warm car and read my book.
Alan seemed to enjoy himself.

This picture made me laugh.
It looks like Philip is creeping up on him and about to clonk him on the head with his golf club.
After all this excitement we calmed down with the grocery shopping and then headed home.
The Superbowl was on in the afternoon and although the excitement wasn't as great as last year, Alan did wish to watch it.
I didn't, but I was reliably informed that it was a boring game.
I did see the halftime show which starred Madonna.......YAWN !!!
I had read that she was going to mime and mime she did.
She may be able to afford lots of botox or whatever to keep herself looking young but no matter how young you look, in your 50s you will not have the energy or vitality that you had when you were in your 20s. So, she spent a lot of time ........ walking up and down ....while all the backing singers and dancers did all the energetic stuff. One was over energetic with her gesture to the crowd which has caused quite a bit of upset over here.
Apparently, she hadn't made this gesture once during rehearsals so, I suppose she did it to get her name out there. She has achieved this. Unfortunately, it turns out she is British.
The news & sports reports loved to emphasise this of course.
On the upside, a Brit did relieve the monotony of a tedious American football final........can't be all bad then.
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