Inflatable thingies....

He is a brilliant photographer.
The above is one of the inflatable creatures who kept us amused during the breaks in play.
These photos show what happened when an official went onto the ice to try to make the monster thingy leave.
It ate him.
All of him.
You can see the official's legs sticking out. It was hilarious and totally unexpected.
It then spat his shoes out.

I think Gary was rather jealous of this.
Of course, poor Gary then came in for quite a bit of leg pulling about the other guy having a hole and how Gary must wish he had a hole to poke his thing through.
Philip suggested that the other photographer's thingy was bigger than Gary's but that was mere speculation.
We also had some chuckles at the players names which are displayed, boldly on their shirts.
Really.......if you were a super tough, rugged, ice hockey player would you want the word
JESSIMAN emblazoned across your shoulders?
We had to scoot home to watch the Green Bay Packers play like a bunch of little old ladies who were on an outing from the Wisconsin Nursing Home for the Bewildered.
They played The New York Giants. I won't go into details re the outcome.
Alan was not pleased.
Philip had to work all night on Monday. This is the first time he has had to do this. They were having some sort of major install (I don't know...he uses lots of words I don't understand...maybe it has something to do with plumbing but I am guessing it is computer related).
Anyway, as we live an hour and half from his workplace in Chicago, it made no sense for him to drive home and arrive at 10.30pm when he would need to be back by 1.30am. He would have more or less had to turn round and go straight back.
So, he took his little bag and decided to sleep there.
He apparently only got an hour's sleep but at least he hadn't had the long drive.
So, it was just Unky Al and me on Monday.
Tuesday morning I got up, looked out the window..........What the ??????????
Overnight we had had another load of snow and it was still snowing hard. Blizzard conditions. Poor visibility ......the lot.
Well, our good old weatherman hadn't mentioned that.
Philip then phoned at around 10am to say he was on his way back and should arrive in about 30 minutes.
Arghhhhhhhhhhhh.........don't panic..........don't panic.....................
The drive, which had been dug out only a couple of days before, had completely disappeared...well actually the road...the kerbs.....everything was lost in a deep expanse of white.....and Alan was still in bed.
Philip would not be a happy bunny if he arrived home and couldn't get up the drive, not after working all night.
So, Unky Al was mobilised and he did a great job.
It was still snowing hard so we wouldn't usually start digging out but if Philip couldn't get the car in the garage he would have to leave it at the roadside which would mean digging that out later.
Philip arrived home in time to help finish off and put the salt/grit down. Phew!!!!!!!!
Then I had an angina attack.
Pants. It wiped me out for the rest of the day. I couldn't go to work this morning, Wednesday, as apart from still feeling a bit iffy, the temperature had dropped to minus 25C overnight (with windchill). Too chuffing cold to go walking and bussing.
The snow now is not like lovely fluffy British snow (when they get it) but is frozen totally solid.
The frozen tundra is back with a vengeance. The rest of the week is forecast to be the same with more snow on Friday.
Typical Alanmas weather really.
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