Almost here......
The little cakes are all marzipanned, iced and given out.
I have now finished our Christmas cake (the one above) and it doesn't look too bad.
Donna sent me some marzipan and I made good use of it.
This cake has about a pound of the stuff on it. We both like marzi.
I cannot get the 'easy roll out' regal ice over here so I made Royal Icing.
Personally, I think this tastes way better and I should know as I ate enough of it while I was icing the cake.
I have also made the mince pies. We ate a few yesterday but I have put some more in the fridge and some in the freezer..........good job we have a fridge/freezer again.
I usually make some Christmas pudding ice cream (which is delish) but a friend of mine in England said she bought some mince pie ice cream and that it was wonderful.
So, I think I will make some.
I will probably wait until Alanmas to make that so that he can try it too.
Alanmas is less than two weeks away.
Last night we delivered the gifts to the kids up the road (Lauren's mates) and to my friend June.
Those kids are getting so excited. I love to see it.
The parcel I sent to Donna, Lauren and Glenn has arrived at last. That took more than 3 weeks to get there. I really don't understand it as I sent 3 other parcels at the same time, all to Kent, and they arrived after about 10 days. I was beginning to think Donna's one had got lost.
Tonight we are off on our annual pilgrimage to the theatre to see "Christmas Carol".
We shall also stop by M&I Bank as every year they have an amazing display of animated bears.
The scenes are different each year and they are beautifully done.
After the theatre I will be a little bit sad. I always am as it means that Christmas will soon be over. It does seem to have arrived rather quickly this year.
I bet Alan doesn't think so though.
I am looking forward to seeing the old bugger .........but don't tell him. :)
Finally, a very Happy Christmas to all my mates, old and new.
I hope the New Year is everything you wish it to be.
Health and happiness to you all.
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