Lights R Us
We have put even more up this year but I haven't taken a picture yet.
I have been working on the inside ornaments/decorations for over a week now.......and I am still not done.
Philip had Thursday and Friday off so we bought the tree and have installed it indoors.
I have been working on that too and so far we have the lights on it and most of the ornaments.
I have still to put the beads, crackers and 'poke it in things'. I don't know the official name for these items but they are glittery sort of branches you poke into the tree.
They had to the festivities.
I really wonder why we go to all this bother when there is only going to be the two of us this year.
But, even though it wears me out, we enjoy it.
We enjoy it more when it is done but we enjoy it.
It have been a little tougher for me this year as I am having problems with my hand.
It seems I have probably got carpal tunnel with a little bit of tendonitis thrown in ...just to make it more interesting.
I saw the quack yesterday and she wants me to see the 'hand doctor'.
Of course over here this means actually finding out if the 'hand doctor' is on our list of doctors that our insurance will allow us to see.
The insurance never covers everything, you always get bills, but if the doctors are not on 'your list' then they won't cover any of it. In which case I won't be seeing the hand doctor.
Now I have to bugger about finding out and then bugger about a bit more to find out if whatever is recommended is covered at all by the insurance.
So much simpler on the NHS.
Bubba (our big old boy cat) has been having problems with the 'squits' since April. He has had various medications, blood tests, x rays and ultra sound which has cost us a small fortune.
The vet was trying to get us to send him for an endoscopy which would have cost us around $1500. We couldn't do it.
So they were going to do more blood tests but as a precaution gave him some more meds that were to check he didn't have a parasite.
He had to have this stuff every day for 5 days. It cost just $20.
It worked.
We couldn't believe it. Normal poops......the first in 8 months.
We are of course thrilled that he is better (they were starting to suggest he may have cancer) but actually rather miffed too.
Why didn't they give him this stuff back in April?
It would have been $20 instead of about $500.
What if we had agreed to the endoscopy?
Apparently this parasite is a single celled organism. It would not have shown up on an another $1500 up the to speak.
Today Bubba and Lollipop went for their vaccinations.
All ok except that Lollipop has a couple of bad teeth that she has to have out.
She is going in on Wednesday for the day.
This won't be cheap either.
Tootsie has discovered there are things dangling on the tree just asking to be bopped.
So she is bopping them.
Willy nilly.
Well, you would wouldn't you?
We have finally managed to get the tree up but because all out lights are being very uncooperative we have nothing on it yet except one new set of working lights but Uji thinks the tree is very
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