
What are they witness to?
I looked online. Oh it is a sad and bleak religion. I can't imagine why anyone would want to be one.
No birthdays, no Christmas ....it seems no celebrations of any sort. They believe that when you die you cease to exist...no afterlife as such. Come judgement day then those deemed worthy will be resurrected but only 144,000 ( I don't know who came up with this number.....oh Jehovah I suppose) of them will be taken up to be with God. They will then teach the remaining goodies, who are saved, how to worship correctly.
Well, that is something to look forward too, work towards and go without any fun for.
In church they don't sing, they just study the bible.
Why on earth does that young lady want to be part of this crowd?
Perhaps she is only happy when she is miserable.
Surely, if you are going to follow a religion - follow a happy one.
Look at the gospel churches. Oh I envy those people. They all look like they are having such a good time.
I bet they really look forward to Sundays.
Witness.......witness.......being a witness might be like holding a secret. A secret someone has told you perhaps.
I am not fond of those.
Oh, I am up for a bit of juicy gossip, as long as it isn't anything serious.
You know the sort of thing........
"Have you heard that Mavis Sittingbottom's husband, the one with the bad leg named George, was caught dressed up as a nun in Sainsbury's. In the deli section too!!"
I am fine with that. It makes life a bit more colourful, but serious secrets can be a burden.
I currently hold safe 3 very serious secrets for other people.
I would not breathe a word about them as I was told in strictest confidence, but that aside, the consequences of other people finding out would be dire.
In the past, people have told me secrets, sworn me to secrecy and then I have heard it being bandied about by someone else.
This is where the problems set in. The original secret sharer has obviously not been as good at keeping quiet as they should have been but do they realise this?
Or, will they accuse me of letting the secret out?
It isn't a nice feeling to be put under suspicion when you are totally innocent. So, I think that secrets can be a burden.
Being a 'witness' to Jehovah himself sounds like way too much responsibility for my liking.
Anyway, I like Christmas too much.
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