Thanks and things.

An odd week.
Tuesday I ventured out to the mall only to NOT be accosted by any Tai Chi instructors, Jehovah's Witnesses or people with crabs.
Have a told you that one?
Oh ok....I shall tell it again.
I was on the bus (now there's a novelty), quietly minding my own business and being careful not to make eye contact with anyone, when a man started making his way down the aisle talking to everyone he passed.
It seemed he must have been asking a question because everyone he spoke to shook their head and he passed on.
What could he be asking?
Usually they are asking for money or a spare bus ticket both of which I didn't have.
He drew closer. I was curious now. was my turn.
He got to me and said.
"Excuse me, do you happen to have a plastic bag as my crabs are leaking?"
Doesn't bear thinking about really.
I did a trawl of the saying that, then got my cup of coffee from McDonalds and sat in the food court.
I saw The Mole Man (his is another story), but suffice to say he is knocking on a bit and I am always relieved when I see him as it confirms that he is ok.
I think he must spend every day at the mall.
Father Christmas is also in the mall now so I watched him scaring a few children before I came home.
At the bus stop there was a couple who were in the middle of a major domestic. She was calling him (very loudly) every name she could think of and some I have never heard. He didn't seem at all concerned so I would assume this is a regular occurrence.
Fortunately they were not waiting for my bus.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving - our first as American citizens. We still didn't have turkey. Turkey is for Christmas. Americans tend to have ham at Christmas. That just doesn't seem right to me.
Our friend came over for the day and we were all typically American....ate way too much but it was delish.
What did we give thanks for?
I am thankful for most things actually. I never cease to be amazed that I have anything so I suppose I am always thankful.
Actually I am thankful for friends. Recently an old friend found me on Facebook. Oh I was so pleased. Mostly friends enrich our lives. I have lots of friends from years back who I rarely see but that doesn't stop me caring about them and being glad I have them.
Sometimes they are not quite what they seem but I suppose we can all be this way.
I am learning though. I have learned that on facebook I can "hide" them or "unsubscribe" to them.
I have done that a couple of times this week........ooh I am a little devil.
It is a pity we can't do that in real life. I am sure there were some families who have to get together for Thanksgiving who would like to "unsubscribe" a few relatives.
Christmas Craft Fair tomorrow........a highlight of the year.
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