Always something.
Look at this poxy eye.
I know none of us are at our most glamorous first thing in the morning but I had a bit of a shock when I looked in the mirror this morning.
We have had to put the humidifier on at night again. This is a sign of a Wisconsin winter.
The air gets dreadfully dry. Your skin itches and you have to put lots of lotion on.
Without the humidifier your eyes dry out and swell up during the night.
Sometimes, before Ivor (we named the humidifier this as it puffs out steam....we did have one called Mothra who sort of sprayed mist about but made a humming sound that kept me awake all night) anyway...what was I saying...oh yes...before Ivor I my eyes would be swollen shut in the morning.
Lovely isn't it?
But, I hadn't had this happen before.
I have no clue as to what caused it.
But...........oh wouldn't it have been delish if it had happened last week.
Just think how I could have scared the Trick or Treaters with my "evil eye".
If I had to have a bad eye at least I could have got some fun out of it.

I thought they might like to see that purebred cats....even royal ones.....don't always behave in the most decorous manner.
Actually, this picture still makes me smile.
Been an odd weekend.
Firstly, during the week, the tap in the kitchen stopped working properly. It dribbled.
I hate it when things like this happen. Philip replaced that tap not so long ago.
DIY isn't really his comfort zone and replacing that tap had been an ordeal. After it was all done, the hot came out of the cold etc, but we got used to that.
Now the water would only dribble out.
This was a double nuisance because it meant that the dish washer didn't fill up properly and I had to keep stopping it to chuck buckets of water in it.
Off to Home Depot.
I did have a little chuckle in there. Philip often uses American trunk (boot of car)...hood (bonnet) .....trash (rubbish)...etc.
I usually tell him off and remind him to keep his 'Britishness', but he reminds me he spends all week at work with Americans and has to be understood.
This is fair enough.
In Home Depot though he slipped up. He asked where he could find the taps !!!
The girl gave him a completely blank look and I stepped in and said "faucets".
That was a bit of a first for me.
We bought one which was much like the other one and in the afternoon the war began.
The first battle was getting the other one off. It didn't want to comply.
I then remembered that last time the old fixture for the little spray thing wouldn't budge and Philip had to just put the new one on the old fixture.
It wouldn't budge again............or "it would, come off this time". That wasn't me who said that.
The battle was long and momentous. There was muchly cussing, muchly banging, muchly more cussing and way too much water dripping on someone's head.
Still it would not move.
It seemed that there would be no more Mr Nice Guy........I hadn't noticed him being around previously to tell the truth. He must have snuck in.
Well, if he snuck in .....he went out with a bang.......and a drill and a saw .......until eventually it came off.
The silence caused me to creep back up from the basement. Had the tap clonked him on the head once too often?
Was the murderer Mr Faucet with the spanner in the kitchen?
NO......HUZZAH.......the new tap was installed .........but the dishwasher connector didn't fit.
There was some "Percy Filth" talk about male and female connections, most unpleasant, before a trip back to the store was in order.
He came back with the new connector......................but it was the wrong one.
Oh he was laughing.
Back to the store again.......................they didn't have the correct one.
He did eventually find one in another store and peace was restored to the kitchen.
We just have to get used to the cold coming out the cold tap and the hot coming out of the hot tap again.
We have to have a window replaced, probably this week, as it has rotted.
Marty, who lives up the road, is doing it for us.
Heavens be praised.
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