Cakes & Puds and yes toofs.......

The one where there used to be a tooth.
I had progressed beyond mashed potatoes and left the yoghurt way behind. I was hanging on to the ice cream, well you would wouldn't you?
Then last night I got over confident whilst brushing my remaining teeth. I have been very careful not to get the toothbrush near the hole but I must have been feeling particularly exuberant last night and must have touched the stitches with the brush.
Not a good idea apparently.
Bleeded and everyfing.
I was not happy.
Today it is sore again and I am back on the yoghurt........sigh.
On a totally different topic..........Sunday I made the Christmas cake.
I eventually managed to acquire the ingredients, even if a couple of substitutions had to be made.
Why don't they have sultanas over here? I made do with golden raisins. I can't get mixed spice either but fortunately I had stocked up on that during my last visit to the homeland so that was covered.
Treacle......they have never heard of it. In fact, when we called one of the foster kittens Treacle the head of the rescue centre told me she had googled the word to find out what it was. Maybe she thought it was something rude that they wouldn't want to put on their website.
Or a swear word !!!
"You treacle you!", sounds like something Frank Spencer might say.
I have found that molasses works as well so I used that.
Today I am making the Christmas pud.
I have got washing in the machine, more washing in the dryer and all the ingredients for the pud laid out on the kitchen work top.
It will take my mind off my gob.
I am not good at sitting around doing nothing at the best of times.
There is no such thing as a rich fruit cake or Christmas pudding over here so everyone is amazed that I am making them so early. I have to explain that they both have to mature and that the fruit cake has to be fed brandy for weeks.
I am sure they think I am making it up.
There are no mince pies either. I shall make those too, but at Christmas.
They do make cookies at Christmas.
Lots and lots of cookies. It is amazing how many different sorts, shapes etc that they make.
The kind lady across the street brought me a whole tray of them last year.
I made a couple of little Christmas cakes too so I think I might give her one of those when they are iced etc.
I worry a bit though as rich fruit cake is something of an acquired taste and they may hate it.
Oh well, I am sure the squirrels will take it off her hands.
As long as they don't get drunk on the brandy (because that hasn't cooked out) and fall out of their trees.
Squiffy squirrels :)
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