All is safely gathered in........
Halloween helped.
I love it. I have such fun with the kids.
The two girls above live across the road and they told me they wished Lauren could have been here to go Trick or Treating with them.
I too wished she could have been here.
I think this pooch was in some sort of bug costume but he seemed happy enough whatever he was supposed to be.
We spent about $30 on sweeties. We try to buy decent stuff so that if there is any left over we can eat it.
We had a lot of kids come round this year.
Fortunately, we had enough with just a few left over.
We made short work of those ourselves so there was no waste.
Some of the kids and families who come round look very poor. It worries me that this is maybe the only time of year some of these kids get any sweeties.
I didn't take photos of those kids. Some of them have no costume except for maybe some make up on their faces.
Poor little buggers.
There was another couple who came along with two little boys in a cart......not the ones above.
It was so funny.
They were so anxious to get out of the cart to get to the sweets that the first one tripped in the street and fell over......the second one tripped over the edge of the cart, fell out of it and landed on the first one.
I commented to their parents that they were good value for money as they provided a cabaret act too.
I then asked the kids which one was Curly and which one was Moe?
The Two Stooges hadn't a clue what I was talking about but the parents and I had a good giggle at them.
Today I have a bad neck. A really bad neck. I shall soon be putting some heat on it in the hope it eases up.
I had it like this a couple of years ago and it went on for weeks. I don't want that again.
Philip has just phoned from work to say he seems to have developed a sudden cold.
He sounded groggy.
Oh well.......winter is on its way I suppose.
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