Fall is falling.

Autumn or Fall...whatever you choose to call it is in full swing.
There are advantages to Autumn.
The stifling heat of Summer is past.
The need to spend hours watering the garden is over.
The grass doesn't need cutting every week.
The kids are back in school.
The days are crisp, the nights are cool, the snow hasn't arrived yet and Merv (across the street) has put his shirt back on.
That last one, just in itself, is a reason to welcome fall.
I can now peer out of my living room window without the fear of being confronted by the belly and silver matted nest of hair that is Merv's frontage.
We should be grateful for small mercies and seeing a properly attired Merv is anything but small.
Speaking of Merv.
As my regular readers will know, Merv gets upset about the leaves at this time of year.
They fall.
They also have no consideration for where they fall, and what is worse, they blow around too.
At this time of year Merv is, once again, in and out like a fiddler's elbow.
Philip tells me he is often out there at 6.30am raking those pesky leaves.
The big problem for Merv, is that no one else rakes their leaves as often as he does. This includes us.
You see, the leaf collecting truck comes around maybe once every couple of weeks. So, you rake or blow your leaves to the side of the road and they are scooped up and taken away.
Works for us, works for everyone else down the street........does not work for Merv.
Anyway, at this time of year I am used to seeing Merv popping in and out to remove a rogue leaf from his lawn. I have even seen him picking up leaves in the road in case they blow back onto his garden.
The guy next door to Merv, Chuck, obviously couldn't give a hoot about leaves. He seems oblivious to leaves. His garden is buried under the things.
And they blow around. They blow over Merv's lawn. This must drive Merv nuts.
Yesterday I couldn't believe what I watched Merv do.
He was out there, as usual, raking and picking his leaves up, but the other side of Merv's drive is a strip of grass, about 3 feet wide, that must belong to Merv even though it looks like it is part of Chuck's lawn.
As I watched, Merv raked this strip, gathered up all the leaves, walked across Chuck's lawn and dumped them on Chuck's doorstep.
He repeated this procedure several times.
Oh Merv !!! They are only leaves.
Fortunately, Chuck (young guy....big) was at work. I doubt he even noticed the leaves on his step and if he did he probably thinks they blew there.
I shan't tell him.
Never mind Merv, soon the snow and ice will be upon us and you will have your hole to look after.
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