It has been a funny old week.A really mixed bag.
On Friday Philip came home from work poorly.
He continued being poorly all over the place on Saturday with no improvement on Sunday.
He was either asleep or being poorly.
I did my best to look after the poor, poorly bugger. I made nourishing food and nagged him into taking various cold & flu remedies.
On Monday I suggested a doctor's visit might be in order when the poorliness ( coo I like that word) wasn't showing any signs of responding to soup, curry, cold & flu remedies and , believe it or not....TEA!!
Now everything is supposed to throw in the towel when tea is appears on the scene. I am sure that, had they had tea back then, the biblical plagues would have been drastically reduced.
The plague of locusts, after a nice cuppa, would have probably been a few greenfly on the roses.
The plague of boils, after a cup of Rosie Lee, would have probably been a mild case of acne or nettle rash.
By Tuesday, having seen little improvement, he did go to the quack's.
He has bronchitis. Now he has bronchitis and bronchitis jollop.
So, now we are seeing some improvement. Which is a blessing rather than a plague.
Yesterday it was back to THE bus stop at 8.15am. My mission being to get to work.
It was bloody cold. Way below freezing but bright and sunny.
I was wrapped up like a very well wrapped up thing and patiently (this is not entirely true...I was not being particularly patient...thought you should know) awaiting the arrival of the wonderfully heated bus.
A car drew up.
A fleeting, thought flitted its way through my brain....chuckling wickedly to itself.
"Oh ho ho ho"....(must have been a Santa thought) "what if this was the Jehovah's Witness who cornered me last week", the thought chirped merrily.
This thought didn't stick around long, which is just as well, as I would have sewn its head to the carpet had I managed to catch it.
Because........it WAS the bloody Jehovah's Witness who ambushed me last week.
She came straight at me. Over here that one statement, so I am told, empowers you to shoot anything.
"It was coming right at me" is a valid excuse for letting loose with both barrels......so I am informed.
Good job for her that I am a pacifist then.
She said hello and asked if I had read the leaflet and what I thought of the questions. I told her I thought they were pretty general questions that probably everyone has asked at some point. She agreed and proceeded to bore me some more.
Our parents have a lot to answer for.
If I hadn't been brought up to be polite, civil and to smile at people, I could have told her to *&%* off !!
But, it is impossible for me to do. I would not be able to utter the words.
Jehovah's Witnesses beware.
I do not think this current generation will be so accommodating. You should prepare yourself to dodge some pretty strong language in the future.
Pee, po, belly, bum, drawers ...it will not be.
The bus came and I now burdened with, not a leaflet but two booklets boarded it. She bid me farewell adding that she would look for me again at the same time, at the same bus stop.
Oh joy!!
I feel I have homework to do now.
Actually, next time she stalks me I shall be honest and tell her that, even though I seem harmless enough, she has no chance of converting me.
I mean, I am a fully paid up member of
The Prince Philip Movement
I feel sure they won't want me once I confess to that. Surely some things are beyond forgiveness.

I wonder who will come to save me then.
Did she charge you for the leaflet - Jeovah's often do that!!
Knowing me....I would probably have paid too...sigh.
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