Gob Trouble..

This week is a bit fraught.
Tomorrow Philip's stepfather goes into hospital for an operation on his heart.
He has waited a while for this and it should make a huge difference to him.
He actually has it done on Thursday and should come home on Friday.
We will all be thinking about him even though we know he will be fine.
Friday Philip and I have to go to the INS office to have our 'biometrics' taken.
Fingerprints, photos etc. This is for our citizenship thingy.
Saturday we have our Harry Potter Dinner Party.
So, of course I have got gob trouble. I don't really know what the problem is but the gum under a tooth that has had a root canal and is crowned , has suddenly become very tender.
It is right at the back at the bottom. It doesn't hurt to eat but my whole jaw that side feels odd.
It doesn't hurt all the time, just feels strange. It does hurt like buggery if you press the gum.
I am thinking I might have a abscess or something brewing there.
Just what I need this week, what with having my photo taken and having a dinner party.
If I have to have antibiotics I won't be able to drink either.
And great fun will be had by all.
Philip has made a doctor's appointment for Thursday.
He has had chest congestion for weeks and now has a pain too.
Poor Philip.
Sounds like we will be a right couple of bundles of fun by the weekend.
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