Warming up
The weather has improved and it is most springlike. The temperature yesterday was a whopping 65F.
65F....65F........as my mum would have said "Cooo....never have there been such times - not since old Leatherbum died."
My mum must have been a little bit coy because an old friend of mine told me his mum used to say "Old Leatherarse".
My mum wouldn't say arse.
Actually, now I think about it, she did.
I remember, if she felt unwelcome anywhere she would say "I am not going round there. I am not putting my arse where my head's not wanted."
Now why did I start talking about that? Who knows.
Anyway, in the course of my sorting out, I found some old photos. I love it when I find photos I haven't seen for a while.
Back in the day, I used to do a bit of make up & stuff.
Oh we did used to have fun.
We didn't care what anyone thought either. We would go off to London on the tube, dressed as various aliens. Funny thing was .......no one seemed to take much notice.
Would I do it now?
Course I bloody would.
But, I don't have the opportunity any more.
Above is a photo of our Klingon Wedding. Please note the dead flowers. I think they add a finishing touch.
We have loads more photos tucked away in boxes at the back of the basement. My brother has asked me to send him some of the family ones as he is creating a family tree.
While Donna is here in April I will ask Philip to get them out. That will make him laugh.
Donna and I can have a sort through them.
So, beware all my old chums. There will be more embarrassing moments on Facebook.
Oh bugger. The blooming weather man just told us not to get carried away with all this warmth as statistically we get another 6 - 10 inches of snow before the end of April.
Pah......statistics .........rubbish..........I hope.
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