Blow the snow.

Been a varied week.
Wednesday I went to the dentist to sort out my gob.
As expected, it turns out I have an infection on a root of a tooth.
This tooth already has had a root canal and is crowned.
So, he said I would need antibiotics and then an appointment with a specialist to sort out what was wrong with the tooth.
No way do I want this tooth taken out as I have already invested a load of money it, plus, I hate having teeth out anyway.
I told him I was a bit miffed as we are having a dinner party on Saturday and the antibiotics would mean I couldn't drink.
He thought some were not as bad as others and disappeared for a bit.
He came back with a prescription for, as he put it, "wine friendly antibiotics".
Bless him.
I am not looking forward to seeing the specialist though. I hate teeth.
Thursday Philip had to go to the quack's to sort out why he is so poorly.
It seems he has some sort of inflammation in the sockets where your ribs join to your sternum.
He also has some stomach acid problems.
He has got steroids and acid reducers. He is feeling a bit better already.
Today we had to have our biometrics taken. Rather exciting in a way.
I got quite stressy about this. I know it was silly but officialdom has this effect on me.
We got there early and had to go through a screening, just like you would at security in an airport.
We filled out yet more forms and handed over our green cards and documents.
The man was a lovely.
He chatted about his trip to England in the 80s, all the while he was doing my fingerprints.
Apparently, they toured the countryside staying in bed & breakfasts.
His strongest memory was of hating kippers. I told him I don't like kippers and actually don't know anyone who does.
He told me he had asked many English people and that he could find no one who liked kippers.
He then said he wondered who was eating them then.
Does anyone still eat kippers?
Philip says his mum liked them and I remember my mum did too.
Survey.......who likes kippers?
We then had our photos taken, again. I think I look worse every time.
I would look better if I was allowed to smile.
They gave us a pack of stuff and a cd telling us what to expect next and how to prepare.
The next step is the interview and test. I am still studying for that.
I don't know what they ask at the interview.
The final part is the swearing in ceremony. I wasn't aware of this.
I told Philip I don't know the words and he went into fits of laughter. Fancy me not knowing the words.
So, I challenged him to say them.
He said "I pledge allegiance to the United States of America................ermmmmm......don't know the rest".
I knew that much, for heavens sake, and he had laughed at me.
I wonder if people taking British Citizenship have to go through so much rigmarole.
It has been snowing again for much of the day and it is extremely cold.
Spring needs to hurry itself up as I shall be glad when I have had enough of this.
SOMe of the kite fliers cook kippers for brekkie at kite festivals. No one likes them, but everyone has them if ones offered.
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