What a result
The plan today was for me to get a bus and then a train to Folkestone.I like Folkestone.
It isn't trendy or sophisticated.
Folkestone, despite a few new shops, is strangely consistent.
Much of it hasn't changed in decades.
I lived there for a while during my hour (hours actually) of need. I bounced around between various friends when I had nowhere to stay.
I am fond of Folkestone.
Folkestone never let me down.
It retains that reputation after today.
I had a phone call this morning from my friend Sue. She was head of home economics at the school I worked at for many years.
We shared many a happy hour and the occasional "meltdown". It was usually me having the meltdowns as I worked mostly with the more "difficult" kids who I mostly loved but occasionally despaired of.
Anyway, we are still firm friends these many years and many miles apart, later.
She asked what my plans were and on being told I was planning a Folkestone trip, she and her lovely hubby, came and picked me up and drove me there.
I bimbled around Folkestone for a while.
I was just queuing in the 99p shop when I heard someone shout "What are you doing here?"
Funny how you know when something is directed at you.
Anyway, it was my friend Fred.
He was head of music at the same establishment. I have to admit that that school was the very best place I have ever worked.
The staff were amazing. So supportive, such fun........I hear it isn't the same now but I wonder if this is due to too much admin and not enough teaching.
Fred and I then went for coffee and a chinwag.
He then offered me a lift back to Ashford when I had finished my shopping. I really did protest as I thought it was too much of a cheek to let him drive me back to Ashford when he lives in Folkestone.
But, he would hear none of it.
So, not only had I been driven to Folkestone, I was now given a lift back.
What amazing friends and what amazing luck.
Thank you Sue and Fred. We do go back a long way and there is many a tale we still share.
But, it was still enormously kind of you to do this for me and I truly do appreciate it.
I shall see them both again before I head home.
I will be here on my own from Oct 21st so I hope my chums will visit.
Good old Folkestone. You never let me down.
I can't believe you were in Folkestone today, we actually hit town for a while too today
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