Out with the old.............

The old gits left today.
Right now they should be on board a plane and heading towards Blighty.
I do hope they have a great time.
They fly to Heathrow and from there to Girvan in Scotland where the older brother, Alex, lives.
It will be a very long journey for them.
After spending a few days with Alex and family they fly back down to Gatwick and from there go to Whitstable to spend a couple of days with the long, lost stepfather.
Next Saturday Philip flies back to the U.S and Alan returns to Guernsey.
It seems to have flown by this year, but then I probably say that every year.
Last night Philip picked Donna and Lauren up from Chicago airport and they arrived back here about 9pm.
It was wonderful to see them and we all got a bit tearful.
Today has been a bit mad, with Alan vacating his room and me sorting it out, changing sheets etc and preparing it for Donna.
Lauren has the spare room upstairs.
Donna picked up her rental car this morning. We had a trip out to the mall........heh heh. It was a little interesting but passed off without incident......well mostly.
We only got tooted at once, which I think is pretty good for someone driving on the right hand side and in an automatic for the first time.
We will go for another adventure tomorrow.
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