No.....ship Sherlock !!!

There hasn't been much shovelling to do lately all is well within our little world.
In fact there has been, although I hesitate to say it, a vast improvement in our weather.
The temperature today is up around freezing point.
A humungous improvement.
It means that, although you still have to put on hat, gloves, boots, scarf, long wundies etc, we can go outside without the brutal cold cutting right through the lot within minutes.
At the beginning of the winter we were told by the nice man on the telly that this would be an El Nino winter.
We had one of these the first year we were here.
It has something to do with a warm air stream that goes somewhere else but the after effects mean we, in the Mid West, have a milder winter.
I do think I explained that rather well considering I have no idea what I am talking about.
Anyway, that first winter was still very cold and very snowy ........for us newbies.
Looking back it was no where near as severe as we have now, reluctantly, become accustomed to.
Well, after the nice man on the telly said all this about the El Nino winter we would have this year, the temperature dropped to about minus 25C and we had our first couple of feet of snow.
This was at the beginning of December and has been much the same until today.
Load of old tosh then.........I hear you say.
Maybe not.
Now, the nice man on the telly says that this milder temperature we have today could go on for a week and it could be the start of the El Nino winter he said we would have in the first place.......just a bit late that's all.
Oh I do hope so.........I really, really do hope so.
Just to be able to wait for a bus without risking 2nd degree frostbite would be so lovely.
And, wouldn't it be brill if these temperatures went right on until Spring .......or as we put it.....May !!!
I shall keep you informed.

The chaps went to see Avatar.
I didn't.
Not because I didn't want to see that film but because I am just not inclined to sit in the cinema lately.
I tend to get fidgety and bored.........even with a good movie.
And apparently it was a very, very good movie.
Philip says it is amazing and he wants to see it again. I feel a bit mean as he did try to convince me to go so that he could see it again but is over 2 hours and 40 has sad bits.............I really don't want to.
Alan doesn't want to see it again so they are going to see Sherlock Holmes next week.
I am a bit of a Sherlock Holmes offician.....erm.......oficialad.........nope...........I have watched a lot of them and from what I can see the film is nothing like Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes solved crimes by using his intellect and powers of detection........he did not leap about all over the place and get involved in punch ups.
Also, Watson was a middle aged doctor........he did not look like a candidate for "Young, Tough and Buffed".
Not that I mind watching young, tough and buffed.........hey wasn't that an old children's programme.........anyway.........Sherlock Holmes it is not.
I know it would irritate me if I went to see it and I do not need anything to irritate me right now.
So, while they are out cheering on Sherlock Superhero Holmes and Doctor Daredevil Watson......I shall be at home having some me time............sigh.
I'm with you on the cinema. I can't sit still and stay awake for that length of time. I resent paying close on ten quid to fall asleep in front of a film.
I#d rather wait and watch it on DVD at home so I can pause it, rewind it, and not have to put up with the great unwashed (!)
Oh - and Sheerluck Houses needs a deerstalker too...
Robert Downey Jr is not Jeremy Brett! in my opinion Brett is the best holmes ever. Guy Ritchie will have turned the character into an east end cockney geezer, and as for this fisticuffs thing, well that's just wrong. Holmes has always been a thinker first, he only resorted to violence when all else failed.
Ohhh you wanted to see it with me Kalon you I have to admit it wasn't the Holmes I know from the books but it was a jolly good film if you forgot what it was supposed to be. As for the fisticuffs well what can I say RDJ all sweaty and being rufty tufty it certainly worked for me !
Sweaty, rufty, tufty.....does sound pretty good....ooooh....sounds lovely, wovely....whoops....having an attack of the vapours here..
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