We went there last year but after wandering around for about an hour taking photographs, Alan discovered he hadn't put any film in his camera.
Oh we did laugh........well some of us did.
I actually fell off the one above as I cocked my leg over it.
So, if I can fall off when it is fixed to the floor it wouldn't bode well for me charging up the road on one.
Even pootling up the road would probably be very bad.
But, we did this year.
I also took my camera this time, just in case.
It is quite interesting if you haven't got an inkling which end of a bike is which so it must be fascinating if you actually know what you are looking at.
We have reunions here every 5 years and the bikers come from all over the world.
Milwaukee heaves with bikes over that weekend.
It looks a lot of fun though and some of the customized bikes are pretty amazing.
Philip thought this one was more "me"......blooming cheek.
Alan really enjoyed it and bought some stuff from the inevitable gift shop.
He actually made sure he had film in his camera this year so will, hopefully, get it developed in the week.
There is little point in him having a digital camera as he doesn't have a computer at home.
Just call me Sue Knievel.....or Kan'tnievel.....more like.
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